Our people

Our team includes researchers from a variety of universities and other institutions. All are based at the University of Manchester unless stated otherwise.

For general enquiries, please email code@manchester.ac.uk.


Bridget Byrne - Professor of Sociology and Director of CoDE, University of Manchester
Creative and cultural industries, class, citizenship, gender, nation.

Claire Alexander - Professor of Sociology and Associate Director of CoDE, University of Manchester
Decolonising the curriculum, youth/gangs, migration/diaspora, south Asians/Muslims in Britain.

Academic and research staff 

Laia Bécares - Professor, Kings College London
Discrimination, health, lifecourse, mental health.

Barbora Černušáková - Hallsworth Fellow 'Predatory debt and disciplining of racialised labour'

Race and class, racial capitalism, post-socialism, labour and technology

Nigel de Noronha - Research Associate, EVENSinAction, University of Manchester
Housing, race, migration, quantitative methods. 

Nissa Finney - Professor of Human Geography, University of St Andrews 

Sadia Habib - Lecturer in Education, University of Manchester

Tim Head - Research Associate, Policing the crisis

Remi Joseph-Salisbury - Reader in Sociology, University of Manchester
Education, policing, mixed-race, anti-racism.

Dharmi Kapadia - Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester
Mental illness, mental health services, stigma, older people.

Vittal Katikireddi - Professor of Public Health & Health Inequalities, University of Glasgow
Public health, Social epidemiology, Health inequalities, Natural experiment methods.

Nasar Meer - Professor in Social and Political Sciences (Sociology), University of Glasgow
Racialisation, Islamophobia, Cities, Public Policy, Migration, Race Equality in Scotland, Local and National Citizenship.

Siobhan O'Neill - Lecturer in Sociology
Education, policing, 'race' and racism. 

Eithne Quinn - Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Manchester

Anamik Saha - Professor of Race and Media, University of Leeds
Creative and cultural industries, media representation, cultural production.

Natalie Shlomo - Professor of Social Statistics, University of Manchester
Statistician, survey statistics and methodology.

Amit Singh - Leverhulme Early Career Fellow 'Race, class and mobility: learning to labour in London, Morecambe and Manchester', University of Manchester
Race and class inequalities, habitus, conviviality, sports, pubs, education and culture.

Brett St Louis - Senior Research Fellow, University of Manchester
Race and ethnicity, post-race, racism, social justice, anti-racism.

Meghan Tinsley - Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester 
Nationalism, postcolonial theory, collective memory, cultural production.

Lisa White - Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Liverpool John Moores University
Policing the crisis

Patrick Williams - Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University 

Gary Younge - Professor of Sociology, University of Manchester
Social movements (especially the civil rights movement), immigration, identity and politics.

Jingwen Zhang - Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester
Ageing, inequalities in health and care, gender, and life course with a focus on quantitative methods.

Professional support staff 

Hazel Burke (hazel.burke@manchester.ac.uk) - Impact Officer, University of Manchester