Early career researcher network
The network aims to support early-career scholars who work on race and ethnicity.
The organising team facilitates regular online meet-ups, themed online workshops, communications, and career development activities.
How to join
To join the network, subscribe to our early career researcher network email news list.
All subscribers can send messages to this list. You can choose to receive the emails as they are sent, or as a 'digest' which will send the emails in batches (you can choose the frequency). This is a good idea if you want to be on the list but without too many messages.
Subscribing to the list tells us that you agree to our privacy policy and cookie policy. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Directory of network members
Our directory of network members facilitates connections between early career researchers.
Contact us
Please email ECRracenetwork@manchester.ac.uk with any questions.
Organising team
The network is a collaboration between CoDE (Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity) and the RACE.ED network. We provide a space for scholars to network and get support in navigating the career structure in academia and policy sectors, and provide support and guidance for those who wish to push academic boundaries and scholarship for the purposes of anti-racist activism.
Organising team:
- Remi Joseph-Salisbury, The University of Manchester
- Dharmi Kapadia, The University of Manchester
- Bridget Byrne, The University of Manchester
- Sadia Habib, The University of Manchester