EVENS data
About our data, and how to use it in your own research or teaching.
Access and use the full dataset
The full EVENS dataset is now available via UK Data Service. To download and use the data, register for a free UK Data Service account. Download the EVENS questionnaire to see the full list of questions we asked participants.
Teaching dataset
Teachers and lecturers can also download a simplified version of the dataset, designed for use by undergraduate students learning to analyse large quantitative datasets. See the UK Data Service website to download the teaching dataset and supporting materials for teachers.
The data covers:
- Demographic characteristics. Including date of birth, sex and gender identity.
- Household and accommodation. Including household composition, tenure, type and location of accommodation, access to water and sanitation services, and house value.
- Social cohesion and neighbourhood belonging. Including feelings of belonging to neighbourhood and to local area, and internet access and use.
- Ethnicity and migration. With constructs measuring ethnic and religious identity, country of birth, year of arrival to Britain, nationality and feelings of belonging to England/Scotland/Wales.
- Socioeconomic characteristics. Including educational qualifications, current economic activity, number of hours worked, number of hours worked from home, occupation, impact of COVID-19 on employment, childcare and home-schooling, use of benefits and financial worries.
- Racism and racial discrimination. Including experiences of racism and racial discrimination over time and across domains, vicarious exposure, anticipation of discrimination and coping mechanisms.
- Health. Including general self-rated health, limiting long-term illness, depression (CES-D 8), anxiety (GAD-7), chronic conditions, COVID-19 infection and related symptoms, experiences accessing the NHS, caring and receipt of care, receipt of and attitude towards the COVID-19 vaccine, and experiences of bereavement.
- Social isolation. Including feelings of loneliness and isolation, and ways of connecting with others.
- Black Lives Matter (BLM). Including participation in protests and support of the BLM movement.
- Attitudes towards the police. Including confidence and trust in the police, being stopped by the police since the start of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and overall sense of police activity in the community.
- Political participation. Including trust in local and national governments in relation to managing the pandemic, interest in politics and voting intentions.
- Additional demographics. Including marital status, sexual orientation, personal and household income, and immigration status.