
Videos generated through research and artistic dialogue are developed to raise awareness of ethnic inequalities.

Our research activity generates a large volume of content, including videos which help to narrate and explain some of the major issues with ethnic inequalities around the world. Our latest videos can be found below.

There are four video playlists:

  • CoDE International Workshop 2019
  • CoDE Summer Conference 2017
  • racism at work videos
  • poetry videos

CoDE International Workshop 2019

There are five videos in this playlist showcasing some of the highlights of the workshop, with contributions from Neema Begum, Kwame McKenzie, J Shim, Roaa Ali, Zandria Robinson, Darnell Hunt and Karis Campion.


    CoDE summer conference 2017

    There are six videos in this playlist showcasing some of the highlights of our conference. They include spoken word performances from Keisha Thompson, Reece Williams and Naomi Sumner, and plenary talks by Ruth Ibegbuna, Prof Kalwant Bhopal and Rob Berkeley.

    Racism at work videos

    The racism at work project included the qualitative analysis of more than 2,000 comments related to racial harassment and bullying at work, and more than 3,000 comments relating to the promotion of equality and diversity in the workplace. These short films highlight some of the findings from interviews with people who took part in the race at work survey.

    The first five of the six videos in the playlist are very short but hard-hitting, and feature the voices of people affected by racism at work. The final video talks about the findings of the race at work survey.

    Poetry videos

    The purpose of these three videos is to serve as a counter-narrative to everyday racist arguments, documentaries, and stereotypes that are commonplace in society, and that help maintain and reproduce ethnic inequalities in health, education, and employment, among other social indicators.

    A large body of international research shows that racism and racial discrimination are fundamental causes of the ethnic inequalities we observe in today’s society – including in education, employment, and neighbourhood conditions. In these videos, we focus on the harm that racism does to children’s development and chances for a healthy and successful life.

    Evidence from UK and international studies was used to inform discussions on racism and child health, and serve as the inspiration behind the three powerful poems, researched by Laia Becares, written by Yusra Warsama and filmed by Mauro Camal.